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What’s the Point of Your Newsletter?

I was having coffee with my business coach last week and we were talking about NIF and my intentions for you, the newsletter, and my business.

“So tell me,” he said, “what’s the *point* of what you’re doing–this twelve-month approach?”

“To help people have better newsletters, of course,” I replied.

He looked at me for a very long time and finally said, “So what?”

Should You Be Kind Even if it’s Insincere?

This week, readers are especially concerned about how being themselves might clash with being kind. They wonder about appearing insincere and about my previous (contradictory?) statement that you shouldn’t reward readers for bad behavior.

Find out how I responded to these three popular questions!

What to do When Everything Goes Wrong

A few years ago, I had a huge tech blunder. I wasn’t paying enough attention to what I was doing, and, entirely through my own *error*, NIF went out twice. So, each reader received two copies in his or her inbox.

I was so embarrassed! And more than a little bit anxious.

I was a newsletter “expert” teaching companies how to run successful email campaigns and I’d made a huge blunder.

Your Parents Were Right…

Sure, the popular kids in high school often got that way by being mean. But, this isn’t high school ;-) .

You’ll seldom bond with today’s global newsletter readership by pulling wings off flies or biting puppies (or guppies–bad joke, feel free to ask ;-) ).

Just two weeks ago, I was telling you to unsubscribe your hyper-critical readers (if you have any) instead of letting them bust your self esteem. This week, though, I’m cautioning YOU against being the mean one.

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