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Get Your Readers to Talk Back

Until recently, whenever someone unsubscribed from NIF, I’d send them a personal email telling them what a pleasure it had been to be welcomed into their inbox and that I wished them all the best with their newsletter.

Every so often, someone would write back an angry email (more…)

Queries on Conversation

My yellow Lab, Izzy, adores his king-sized Kong™. And, when it’s stuffed with peanut butter and dog food, don’t even think about talking to him. You’ll practically break his heart–he’s so dedicated to unstuffing his king Kong™ in a minimum of time.

Judging from the emails I received, some of you wonder if “talking” to your readers might be a similarly not-so-good idea. (more…)

Telling Your Readers What to Say

This is embarrassing. But, it fits so well with today’s topic, that I’m going to share it with you anyway.

I was a very, very bossy kid. And I have a younger brother who was very easy to boss around.

He’s two years younger than I am and didn’t talk all that much (he didn’t have to…) (more…)

May I See Your Invitation to this Conversation?

Years ago (1998), there was a brilliant show called Cupid on TV. The dialog was amazing (the title for today’s article comes from the show).

The characters bantered back and forth, but not in that annoying way where it’s all about showing off and not about progressing the plot.

And that brings us to the fifth ingredient of your Newsletter of Influence: (more…)

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