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The Path to Great Results

In week one on personality, we talked about the foundation of a personality in your newsletter. And, in week two, we talked about why it’s so important to have a newsletter personality. Last week, we talked about the most commonly asked queries about personality.

All that’s left is for you to take action.

Have you completed your exercises up to this point? Did you apply what you learned in your latest newsletter issue?

In each issue of Newsletters in Focus, I give you the tools you need to get the results you want from your newsletter.

Each issue empowers you to build an outstanding relationship with your newsletter readers.

But, your result depends on YOU.

And, if you’re not taking action, you’re not going to get results.

Your Challenge: Decide why you’re willing to commit an extra 10-15 minutes/week to getting the results you want from your newsletter. Determine what results will really make this time worthwhile.

If you could make an extra $200 every time you sent your newsletter, would it be worth investing 1 hour/month?

Make your decision today about what it’ll take to get you fully engaged in this improvement process.

And then, make sure you take one action step this week to make your newsletter better.

This decision, and this one action, could make all the difference in the success of your newsletter.

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About the Author

Jessica helps independent professionals become Indispensable Experts through powerful publishing programs. She works with clients one-on-one as a newsletter designer and writer and in groups through the Newsletter Spa.

Email Jessica directly, to find out more.

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