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What if Your Boss Says “No Personality”?

The last two weeks, we’ve been discussing personality in your newsletter: why it’s important and how to develop it. Today, I’m going to answer some of the *most-asked questions* about personality in your newsletter.

Remember, YOU control this column :-) . Send me *your questions* about the current topic and you might just see your question appear in a future issue.

Q: What if all my interests relate to my newsletter topic?

If you write a newsletter on golf and spend *all* your time reading about, practicing, and talking about golf, then that’s what you should reveal in your newsletter.

Tell your readers stories about how your obsession has gotten you into trouble, or how it’s saved the day. Share funny stories about how your spouse has decided to deal with your constant golf-chatter.

If you’re really passionate about your topic, to the exclusion of other activities, you still don’t have to have a one-dimensional newsletter. Keep it interesting by sharing multiple facets about your topic.

Q: We’re supposed to write with a really corporate tone at my company–this personality stuff won’t fly with my boss.

If your boss doesn’t think personality belongs in business, pick an interest that is very appropriate for your newsletter.

For instance, if your company sells medical supplies and your newsletter goes out to your *sales reps*, you could add personality by sharing a story from one of your *sales* people in each issue. These “in the field” tales could share important information (a new approach to describing a product, for instance) cloaked in personal experience.

Think of creative ways to add that human element to your newsletter–it really is the key to getting readers to anticipate and enjoy each issue.

Q: I’m an introvert and sharing my personality with readers is uncomfortable. How can I make it easier?

You’re probably looking at your newsletter list and seeing a big group of subscribers (1000, 5000, 10,000 or however many subscribers you have).

But your readers aren’t reading the newsletter as a group. They’re reading it as individuals.

So you’re not writing a newsletter for 5000 readers. You’re writing it for one.

Just one.

Do you have trouble sharing yourself when you write to a customer one-on-one? Probably not, because you know that one person well.

When you’re writing to your newsletter, just write it to one person. Whether that one person is your favorite aunt, your best customer, or a composite reader.

Take action: No assignment today :-) . You’ll always get the third week of the month off.

This is a great time to catch up with the previous two weeks’ assignments, if you haven’t worked through them yet.

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About the Author

Jessica helps independent professionals become Indispensable Experts through powerful publishing programs. She works with clients one-on-one as a newsletter designer and writer and in groups through the Newsletter Spa.

Email Jessica directly, to find out more.

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