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Get Your Readers to Talk Back

Until recently, whenever someone unsubscribed from NIF, I’d send them a personal email telling them what a pleasure it had been to be welcomed into their inbox and that I wished them all the best with their newsletter.

Every so often, someone would write back an angry email telling me they didn’t see how they could have possibly been a pleasure to have as a subscriber.

They seemed to think I had an ulterior motive for the words I used–even though that last email signaled the “end” of our relationship.

When you look at your newsletter’s stats, it’s easy to let each subscriber get lost in a sea of faceless email addresses. And, somehow subscribers know this themselves, even when they’re not sophisticated publishers like yourself. So, my seeing each subscriber as wholly important to NIF seemed insincere.

From a marketing metrics point of view, the things I know about my list are pretty “useless”. I know each subscriber’s name and email address and their location (if they’ve shared it) along with the date they subscribed. And that’s it.

But I know much more than that about many of you. I know many of you have your own devoted dogs, that more than a few of you were bossy older siblings, and that many of you like classic black and white movies as much as I do.

I know that some of you work in 9-5 jobs you love and others of you are thrilled with running your own businesses. I know some of you have darling kids, or classic cars.

I know these things because you honor me by responding to these newsletters.

And each time I see someone on the unsubscriber list with whom I hadn’t corresponded, I feel that loss. Knowing that I won’t get to know that particular person the way I might have, had I just not said whatever it was that made them unsubscribe. It’s distressing, trying to figure out what I did “wrong.”

And when that unsubscription marks the exit of someone I’ve come to know through emails… Well, let’s just say I’m glad that doesn’t happen all that often because it definitely makes me sad.

I’m 100% “in” when it comes to these newsletters–I put my whole self in. And many of you respond to that. And, when you do, that’s when I’ve done my job–when we have conversation.

Sure, it’s scary being that vulnerable. And, sure, your newsletter may be far too business-y to be as personal as I am at times.

But, when you can find a way to engage your readers in conversation, that’s when you’ll know the true value of each subscriber on your list. When you’ll feel, as I continue to, that having each subscriber on your list is a true pleasure–whether they’re with you for years and you hear from them regularly, or they’re with you for 15 minutes.

It’s the conversation that makes this publishing thing so worthwhile.

Your challenge: Yep, you’ll make me sad, but if you hate these emails ;-) , make sure you take a moment to unsubscribe.

Love these emails, send me an email to let me know.

Feel lukewarmly? Tell me when you liked NIF best.

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About the Author

Jessica helps independent professionals become Indispensable Experts through powerful publishing programs. She works with clients one-on-one as a newsletter designer and writer and in groups through the Newsletter Spa.

Email Jessica directly, to find out more.

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