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Let Your Newsletter Go to the Dogs?

The new cover for Newsletters in Focus teases that you’ll learn what dogs and bubbles have to do with your newsletter. And, you’ll find a photo of Izzy with his peanut butter bubbles decorating the cover.

So, here’s part of the big reveal (the bubbles will come later): I talk about Izzy (my dog) in my newsletter so much because I *like* him. Silly, perhaps, but a magic thing happens when you talk about stuff you like in your newsletter.

Each issue is *easier* to write and your readers *enjoy* them more.

Think about yourself–do you really enjoy reading those newsletters that feel like they were a chore to put together? Or do you prefer newsletters that are energized, popping with passion, and infused with obvious enjoyment?

Take action: I’ve found I like to relate Izzy back into my newsletter in various ways, but for you, it might not be a pet. Perhaps it’s a hobby that makes your heart sing, or maybe it’s an activity or person.

Today, make a list of five things you really love–whether they’re people, activities, hobbies, symbols, or objects.

Write this list on a Post-Itâ„¢ and stick it on your computer monitor (or somewhere where you’ll see it throughout the week). Start thinking about what each of the items on your list means to you and why it’s important to you.

And, watch for your next lesson next Monday where you’ll learn how to put these items to work in your newsletter!

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About the Author

Jessica helps independent professionals become Indispensable Experts through powerful publishing programs. She works with clients one-on-one as a newsletter designer and writer and in groups through the Newsletter Spa.

Email Jessica directly, to find out more.

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